viernes, 19 de marzo de 2010

Collective Networks: Introduction

In December 1959, the later Nobel laureate physicist Richard Phillips Feynman gave a lecture at Caltech. In this talk, titled "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom'', he envisaged the miniaturization of devices down to atomic levels. He proposed ways to accomplish that miniaturization, and dared to foretell that the key of future technologies will lie in the arrangement of individual atoms. This is considered the first time that concepts related to Nanotechnology were pointed out.

At that time, Dr. Feynman could not have imagined that more than 50 years later, some of his ideas remain up-to-date, and that also a lot of research and big accomplishments have been made in this field in the direction that he envisaged.

1.1. Nanotechnology

The term "Nanotechnology" was not defined until 1974, however. Professor Norio Taniguchi coined the term as: "Nanotechnology mainly consists of the processing of, separation, consolidation, and deformation of materials by one atom or by one molecule"

Així comença (en principi) el meu projecte final de carrera.

Han passat coses, i per això no puc actualitzar com déu mana... però eh que no està malamanent el "parche" que he fotut? Ale, que tingueu un bon dia :D

4 comentarios:

  1. Ei...el parche molt bé...pero Heavy!!!! qué ha pasado aquí?!!?? :P

    Per cert...el principi del projecte és teu o l'has copiat d'algún llibre? ;)

    Apa guapu uns marxen a dormir i altres comencen a currar, així és la vida!! :)
    Descansi vostè

  2. Patch accepted!!!

    Tot i això... demà volem explicacions ;) Es broma, Chechu, espero q tot vagi bé!!!

    Una abraçada

  3. Em venen moltes ganes de llegir el teu projecte final.

    És broma i ho saps... bueno, no.

    Una abraçada

  4. L'explicació és senzilla: avui comença l'spring break, l'advisor està a l'Aràbia Saudí i tothom té festa avui, així que ahir vam acabar anant de festa.

    I vaig arribar a quarts de quatre a casa, no amb massa esma per posar-me a redactar. Apart algú havia de fer-ho per mi i rajóse!
